Book review: Petra by Marianna Coppo


Petra by Marianna Coppo


Publication Date: 06 Feb 2018

Publisher: Penguin Random House Canada, Tundra Books

Genre: Children's Fiction




The humorous adventures of an irresistible little rock who finds herself in constantly changing circumstances, Petra is a picture book that celebrates the power of perspective and believing in yourself.




I rarely read picture books and, more so, request them for review but Petra looked too cute to pass on. I requested a digital copy from NetGalley and was very happy to be approved for it.


I loved Petra! It is an adorable narrative about a little rock that dreams of being many different things. The art looks like it is done with watercolours and has a very simple and clean design. It made me want to a have a sticker with Petra, the rock. It is short but, nevertheless, meaningful in its message: you can be anything or anyone you want if you dream of it! I thought it was well executed. If I had any kids of the appropriate age, I would definitely be buying a copy of the book.


My only complain = the book is too short! Would love to read more about Petra’s adventures and learn what else she can be!


Definitely recommend.


Rating: starstarstarstar


More of my book reviews

Le 25e Salon du Livre de Toronto | Blogmas Day 2

(Let's pretend it is still December 2 and my French doesn't suck. ??) Aujourd’hui je suis allé a le 25e salon du livre de Toronto. C’est arrivé dans la bibliothèque de référence. Je étudie françaises c’est pourquoi notre professor a invitée nous là-bas. Nous avons regarde une présentation du livres pour enfants. Quelques livres est sur la famille et enfants. Quelques livres est sur adventure et science-fiction pour adolescents.

Il y avait un loterie et j'ai gagné un livre! La title est « Mica, fille de Transyl ». Très cool.

Voilà, voici les photos.

Décembre 3: 24e Salon du Livre de Toronto

My last class of French for this semester took place in public library. Pretty books and crepes afterwords - can MY every French class be like that?Here are some photos of picture books at the fair.

I did buy a couple of kids novels in the hopes of studying French on my own during the break (which is just my excuse for buying books).

Bon journée.