July Wrap Up // July 31, 2015


Here is the list of the books that I read in July*:

  • Veronica Roth "Insurgent", "Allegiant", "Four" (my review)
  • Malinda Lo "Asha" (my review)
  • Charles Bukowski "Portions from a Wine-Stained Notebook: Uncollected Stories and Essays, 19-44-1990" (it was a library book and sadly I returned it before I took this photo, but it was in my July TBR photo)
  • Jamie Meadows "Against the Odds" (ebook, finished in July)

*I don't know why I added James' book to the pile - I finished it in late June... Oops.

My target was to read 5 books in July, which I did, although I didn't get to reading Margaret Atwood's books and swapped them for the rest of the Divergent series.

Overall, I am quite happy with myself! I am back on track and I am reading writing reviews! Yay!

August TBR to follow.