Art Journal: Drawing with Watercolours // Timelapse

[embed][/embed] Disclaimer: I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT DRAWING. I suck and I know that. I doodle because it helps with my anxiety or just makes me feel better. I start drawing without knowing what I am going to draw. I just go with the flow.

I decided to make a time lapse video of me drawing. Just because I wanted to do a time lapse video for awhile and enjoy watching art journal videos. (And yes I am quite bad at drawing anything with either of my hands as evidenced by this video.)

I used watercolours, generic brushes and a sketchbook I got from a local store.

Fleur de lis // June 2015


My little tribute to my favourite novels and tv show.

These are the loose pages that came off while I was gluing the pages together. I glued them together too and used this page to dispose of extra paint left after my first page.

And then this happened. Fleur de lis is a bit askew because I initially intended to trim the left side, but I didn't.  Not the best page I've ever done, but I like the texture. All colours are gouache paint, except for yellow - pencil.