“I AM (NOT) BULLETPROOF” | How I fell in love with BTS

On July 12, 2019, Friday, I was on the train somewhere in Bavaria. The car moved and I moved with it. I was tired, achy, giddy, and anxious. By that time last year, I had been sleeping between 3 and 4 hours each night, considering myself lucky if I got to 5 hours. July of 2019 was particularly hard as I was torn between jetlag and my chronic insomnia.

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September 30, 2015

   September will never be anything but an emotional roller coaster of a month for me and my family. 

The last day of it is personally really hard for me. This year it is exceptionally bad. 

Take time to reflect on what you have and appreciate people that are in your life. You never know when they might be gone. 

(This photo was originally taken on May 3, 2010 by a Canon camera.)